Sunday, July 27, 2008


SHEER BEAUTY and variety make the rose a special flower. Among all flowering plants, be it as a single spray or in a bouquet, it reigns supreme.
Rose garden
A rose garden was a prime feature of large grounds and among the popular varieties of yore are the sweet-scented `paneer' rose. It is mainly grown in the fertile Thanjavur delta. Its cousin is the cluster-petalled pale red rose. The nail pink Edward rose is also popular in South India and is able to withstand the heat.
Old shrub roses, musk roses, modern shrub roses, the peculiar viridiflora or green rose, floribundas, hybrid tea roses and climbing roses all do well in cooler climes, aided by frequent applications of rose mix and organic fertiliser.
Perennial enemy
Scale is a perennial enemy of the rose and regular spraying is essential for the plant's survival. Using a toothbrush dipped in water and scraping the stems gently can deal with initial attacks of scale.
Popular variety
White climbing roses do well in the city, given a semi-shady corner. Of all the roses that are grown, the most popular now are the tightly furled bud roses grown under controlled climatic conditions, largely because of the lucrative export market they enjoy. Common shades are pink, deep pink, red and white. The leafy, long-stalked flowers are tightly packed in bunches and sold in their prime. They last well in water for two to three days.
Commercial uses The rose has commercial uses too. It is used in the making of perfumes and in various food products such as gulkhand, rose water and rose essence. It is also decoratively used in salads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love roses...